Daily Announcements

Here are the morning announcements for

The week of January 6th-10th


  • Track season starts today. If interested, contact Coach Hass for any questions or meet on the track at 3pm.
  • Chargers, If you are interested in running for Class Rep. next year, there is a mandatory interest meeting tomorrow in room 130 at 8am
  • STUDENTS, Cocoa and Cram for finals Wednesday the 15th from 4-7pm in the student center! Come and study for finals and get free food and hot cocoa!!! Edison High School is happy to provide a safe, warm, place to study!!!!! Let's be positive and productive!!!! 
  • Chargers! The MESS is coming back to the Edison gym for the winter season! We are packing the student section for boys basketball's biggest games! We’ll have giveaways, halftime contests, and more!
  • This Wednesday, we play Newport Harbor at 7pm in the gym. The theme is USA so rock your red, white, and blue. This Friday at 7 in the gym it's Jersey Night against CDM. Next Friday it's LIGHTS OUT for Fountain Valley, basketball’s biggest game of the season! There will be a DJ at the Friday games so come ready to get hype!
  • Our game of the week this week is Girls Basketball tomorrow at 7 in the gym. If you didnt get your game of the week snack, stop by the poster room. 
  • Keep up with news about student life by following edisonchargersasb on instagram!
  • Happy 2025 and have a great day! Gooooo chargers!